Monday, 11 May 2015

B/w to Colour using Photoshop

1) Open and Cut the image separately.
2) Ctrl + click the cutting image, create a new layer and select new layer
3) Click forground colour select # (give this numbe) cc8164 - ok
4) Alt + backspace, Leyer pallet choose "Color "
5) Then old cutting image select one by one separate main parts such as hair, eye, lips, jewels, dress, etc., in order by top layer.
6) Separate parts such as dress using Ctrl + U+ tick Colorize the change dress colour.
7) Other wise using Ctrl + B.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Whatsapp on your PC

1) On your mobile open "Whatsapp" - (New chat, New group, New broadcast, WhatsApp Web, Contacts, Settings, Status)

2) Click WhatsApp Web

3) Open Your browser on your PC  (it displayed qr code)

4) Your mobile scanned the qr code and ok. then add all friends on your PC.